Safety first!
I face all sorts of interesting technical challenges in everyday life, and the concept of this blog site is to introduce some of my stories in the field of technics. I bring closer to the reader those topics I've been happy to deal with so far.
The purpose is only and exclusively entertainment with my own scientific needs and nothing more. It is not intended to fill out a certain gap in the online market. This blog site is not for business or educational purposes.
I deliver mainly bridging solutions - to the best of my knowledge - only to my own challenges, and the focus is on my individual experiences, results, and personal opinions.
The diversity of the technical world is enormous, and the challenges are usually more complex than they seem at first glance. Please DO NOT use my articles as a reference! In light of all these, please always keep in mind my three key messages about safety:
1. Do not try experiments at home!
2. Call an expert if you are not qualified!
3. Safety first, and never take unnecessary risks!
Opening Thoughts
I'm passionate about solving mechanical and electrical issues, but trends are continuously changing, and the maintainability of technical products converges monotonically to zero.
In my opinion, understanding technical issues is basically a skill, and I can conclude from this aspect that new abilities can always be gained and further improved. In the light of all this, I usually try to take steps to solve my technical problems effectively, or at least understand them as much as possible, because I don't like so much just pushing buttons and waiting for the miracle while looking at my stuff like an unknown black box.
Thanks to this attitude I have faced tons of challenges during my career, and of course, some of my attempts have partially or totally failed, but I never gave up, and finally, I managed to solve almost every single technical question. Which issues I could not solve on my own, I gained a lot of experience from them.
I like the process of analysis and gathering information because it is always worth focusing on the very small details. That is why I believe that much more powerful knowledge can be gained if I find the solution for myself.
The persistence, self-motivation, and positive mindset together are the fuel for this attitude, since the final goal is to find the opportunity in the difficulty and not the difficulty in the opportunity.
Anyway, I would also have some optimistic goals with this site in the slightly distant future. Perhaps one of the most special pleasures for me would be if a great community could be organized here, where members help each other with their ideas and experiences. I believe now that this more forward-looking vision could probably be feasible through a thematically structured technical forum.
Finally, I sincerely hope that this dynamically growing website will provide inspiring readings and a pleasant time.
Ongoing Topics
Lead-acid battery regeneration
Surface polishing, but how?
Friendship with MIG welding?
Benefits of PWM generators?
What about solar energy?
Safety first!
Never take unnecessary risks!
Do not try experiments at home!
Call an expert if you are not qualified!
I do some mechanical and electrical repair activities in the spirit of simplicity and usability.
I am happy to convey this challenging and attractive hobby genre to those who are interested.
The Route is the Goal
I’ve always loved designing and repairing things, so I think it’s natural that I became an engineer. Thus, it is not surprising that my topic orientations are related mainly to the calculations, constructions, improvements, maintenance, and last but not least, security analysis.
Due to the variety of tasks, I had to face many difficult challenges, and it was pretty hard to understand that I needed to love my problems. This change in my mindset has a lot of beneficial effects. I think this is the key to continuous quality improvement as well.
My main goal is to combine theoretical knowledge and practical experience in such a way that I can find reliable bridging solutions to technical challenges. The essence of this method is that only a great fusion of abilities can guarantee the desired success in ever-changing circumstances.
Along with these thoughts, I decided to invest time and energy in this blog to share my experiences. Maybe you have a lot of similar inspirational ideas, and these articles can give them at least motivating encouragement.
Photo Gallery
I want to compile a valuable selection of the everyday challenges here.
So primarily, I want to present some snapshots of my fixes and solutions that stand on their own without any detailed description.
In addition, ​I also want to post some more interesting pictures in the field of technology that I have faced so far, and I think it is worth saying a few words about them, too.
Not to mention the fact that some activities, such as individual welding techniques, can not be described in detail because they are based primarily on the acquired practice, but it is worth illustrating them with some pictures.
I chose the title of the pictures so that they should represent as much compact unit of thought as possible about the given issue.
Just click on the arrows to view the photos one by one.